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Six reasons for sudden drop in vision

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Six reasons for sudden drop in vision

Date of release:2019-03-11 Author: Click:

Usually, vision decreases slowly with age, but sudden drops in vision are associated with some habits and diseases. The US "Prevention" magazine website recently summarized six major causes of sudden decline in vision.

1. Staring at the screen all day.

The survey found that most people stare at computers, smartphones, and TVs for 400 minutes a day. Studies have shown that people's blinks during this period will be reduced by nearly 70%. Too little blinking can cause sore eyes and stinging. At the same time, reading on the screen can make the eyes work harder, because the digitized graphics are formed by tiny dots and are not as clear as the physical characters on the printed page. Over time, readers will suffer from "digital eye fatigue", such as decreased vision and blurred vision.

2. Invisible eyes are worn for too long.

The longer you wear contact lenses, the more dust, mucus, protein, and minerals accumulate on the lens. In addition to causing blurred vision, these sticky substances can also cause eye damage such as dry eyes and inflamed pain. A simple test method is to take off the contact lens and wear the frame glasses. If the vision becomes clear, then the contact lens needs to be cleaned or replaced. In the hot summer months and springs with more sand, it is best to wear contact lenses.

3. Corneal abrasions.

Often caused by trauma, the symptoms are blurred vision, redness or foreign body sensation in the eye. In this case, you should go to the ophthalmologist in time. The slight abrasion will heal itself within a few days. If the condition is serious, the doctor will prescribe antibiotic eye drops to prevent infection or steroid eye drops. Reduces inflammation and scarring, which can lead to permanent vision loss.

4. Pregnancy.

Changes in visual function (such as blurred vision and diplopia) are more common during pregnancy. This is because changes in the amount of hormone secretion in the body can cause changes in the fluid behind the cornea, changing the shape and thickness of the cornea, forming a transient myopia or hyperopia, until normal after delivery. Therefore, pay attention to eye habits during pregnancy and one month after delivery, so that your eyes can rest fully.

Hormone changes caused by oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy may also affect vision. In addition, certain diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes, also increase this risk.

5. Take some medicines.

Antihistamines, antihypertensives, or antidepressants may cause eyesight, dry eyes, and blurred vision because they slow down the formation of tears or alter their composition, causing the tears to evaporate too quickly. Generally, after stopping the drug, it will improve. If the problem is serious, you need to find a doctor to adjust the drug plan.

6. Got glaucoma.

The disease is like a "invisible killer". The early symptoms are not obvious, but the attack on the eyes is quite powerful. When visual acuity changes, many people have permanently lost some of their visual functions. Glaucoma is not just a “patent” for the elderly, it is at risk for any age group. People over the age of 40, with a family history of glaucoma, diabetes, high blood pressure, and high myopia are all at high risk for glaucoma. Therefore, regular eye exams are important. People aged between 18 and 60 are inspected at least once every two years, and those over the age of 60 are advised to check once a year.

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