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Five elements of autumn eye protection, keep in mind "far, moving, warm, moist, eating"

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Five elements of autumn eye protection, keep in mind "far, moving, warm, moist, eating"

Date of release:2019-03-11 Author: Click:

In autumn, the temperature gradually declines, the weather becomes more and more dry, and the eyes are more vulnerable. Chiba glasses friendship reminder: remember the words "far", "moving", "warm", "run", "eat", protect the window of your own soul!

1 "far" = anti-: look far to prevent myopia

Looking at things for a long time at a close distance can cause ciliary muscle spasm, cause visual fatigue, and even cause myopia or eye diseases. Many people, especially teenagers, like to watch TV on their mobile phones or tablets. The distance is long, and the stimulation of the screen light is very likely to cause problems such as deepening myopia, dry eyes, bloodshot eyes and dark circles.

Suggestion: If you look around for 45 minutes in a row, you should take about 5 minutes to look at the distance. You can stand in the window and look at the distance in the green. If you have tall buildings, you can look at the top of the building, but be careful not to let The sun shines directly on the eyes.

2 "moving" = slow: turning the eyeball can alleviate eye fatigue

Close your eyes and turn your eyeballs. This will relax your eye muscles and refresh your eyes. However, patients who need to be reminded of high myopia must be slow when turning the eyeball, not too fast, so as not to cause damage to the retina.

Suggestion: In addition to blinking, it is also a good way to clear the eye meridians. By acupuncture the points around the eyes, such as Sibai, Jingming, Temple, and Meizhong, you can accelerate the eye circulation and relax the eye muscles.

3 "warm" = pass: iron can pass through the meridian

The blood vessels in the eye are relatively thin. When the weather is too cold, the blood vessels will contract. Due to eyelid protection, most people can adapt to this temperature change. But for some special people, cold may be the cause of eye disease. People with high blood pressure and diabetes have weak blood vessels in their eyes. They should pay special attention to keeping their eyes warm when it is cold. People with allergies can also induce allergic conjunctivitis with cold stimulation.

Suggestion: You can try "ironing": close your eyes, rub the palms of your hands to each other, then quickly press them on your eyes. At this time, your eyes will feel a warm current. Be sure to wash your hands now.

4 "Run" = solution: blinking can be dried

The most important thing to moisturize the eyes is to rely on tears, which have the functions of moisturizing, nourishing, cleansing and sterilizing to maintain the normal physiological functions of the ocular surface. Under normal circumstances, there is a tear film on the surface of the eye. If it is exposed to the air for a long time, the tear film may become incomplete and the protection will be compromised. Blinking can evenly distribute the tear film again.

Suggestion: When you are tired of watching things for a long time, you may want to blink your eyes or close your eyes and take a rest. In addition, many people now regard eye drops as a must-have item. It is not advisable to drop a few drops when something is fine.

5 eat = protection: eye protection gold food


Carrots are rich in carotene, which can be converted into vitamin A after ingestion, which is good for eyesight.

Pig liver, goat liver

The vitamin A in the liver is rich in content.

Anthocyanin-rich food

Anthocyanins have strong antioxidant properties, enhance night vision, improve and alleviate macular degeneration. Anthocyanin-rich foods include blueberries, large cherries, cranberries, and broccoli.

Doing a good job of "distance, movement, warmth, moistness, and eating" is equivalent to doing five protection measures for "eye prevention, mitigation, ventilation, solution, and protection". It is not complicated and does not cost money. Pay attention to small details in daily life. Keep these five points in mind, not only will your eyes get better and better, but your physical condition will improve!

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